Over Tire Tracks
Key Highlights
- Reinforced, Hi-Floatation Profile suitable for all types of terrain including paved surface
- Modular Design for easy replacement of individual segments and components
- Robust Hardened Steel Construction for long service life with high degree of damage protection of the tires
- Adjustable Track Length to suit machines of different wheelbase dimensions
Robust Performing Tire Tracks on Hard and Paved Surfaces
Over The Tire Skid Stir Tracks
Skid steers loaders are well accepted for their ability to execute a wide variety of jobs and their manoeuvrability & compact dimensions. While these work well on hard, paved surfaces, if service conditions are marshy, muddy or sandy, all tired equipment including skid steer loaders lose traction or start spinning and ultimately get bogged down. At times a crane may be required to extricate a stranded machine.
In wet weather, if the machine is working on un-compacted surfaces or loose soil, it doesn’t take much for a job site to get slippery & unsafe. When this happens, operators are forced to stop work until conditions improve.
To augment the capability of skid steer loaders, Trident has developed over tire tracks (OTT’s) that significantly increase traction and flotation to enable skid steer loaders operate in virtually any service environment. Trident’s over tire tracks OTT consists of pivotally; interconnected reinforced steel segments that are looped over the tires and the open ends are fastened to make an endless track chain/belt thus providing tracked mobility with high flotation, usually within an hour. OTTs thus bridge the gap between wheeled and tracked mobility by converting the wheeled skid loader into a tracked loader.
The special features Trident’s over tire tracks OTT include a hardened, high flotation profiled steel track shoe to ensure that there is no damage when operating on paved surfaces, adjustable track length to suit machines of different wheelbase lengths and easy mounting & demounting that can be done on site.
The robust steel construction also provides a high degree of damage protection to the tires. Optional accessories such as wheel spacers, mounting assistance toolkit, bolt-on rubber pads are also available. Our OTT’s help skid steer operators work in conditions that they normally couldn’t work in at a modest cost, thus increasing their efficiency, productivity, profitability & return on investment. Even in dry conditions, tracked machines will move more material in less time.
So the next time you are faced with a challenging job site, equip your skid steer with a set of Trident OTT’s and make it all an all-terrain & all-weather machine.